
Time to get off the apps

I think it might be time for me to get off of dating apps. The past few people I've invested my time in have looked promising and then suddenly ended up being horrible or sketchy in some way.

Quite honestly, I'm embarrassed to even describe them here because it feels like some kind of failure on my part. I know it's not logically but I can't help but feel like I'm falling into traps over and over again. It's either benign (but still very frustrating) stuff like not reaching out to me as much as I do to them or it's something horrible that's ended them up on the news.

I was talking to my mom and a friend recently and they both said they didn't find anyone worthwhile until they gave up or came close to it. I still have a smidgen of hope left but maybe the key is to just stop trying and just be alone. For me, the only way I really try is via dating apps so might as well just nuke 'em all and stop bothering if it's going so poorly, right? Is that really the key?

Realistically I know there is no "key" but I feel like I'm at my wits end here.

#dating #dating apps #lgbt #relationships