
Taking a day off

Today I took a day off out of the blue. I woke up, immediately felt like I couldn't bring myself to drive to the office, and then shot off an email alerting my team that I was taking PTO. I'm not sure I've ever felt better. Tomorrow I work from home as well so it's a great way to ease into the weekend.

I didn't quite realize how miserable and bothered I had become in the last couple weeks until I took today for myself. The seasons are starting to change so I think seasonal depression is setting in a bit. That combined with some romantic failings has made me a bit down and unenthusiastic. Being very busy the past few weekends with little to no time for myself also made calling out today all the more necessary.

I'm glad I did it though. And I'm glad my team exercises this kind of flexibility too. My manager calls out on a whim and so do my coworkers - far more often than I have too. No need to worry about torturing ourselves with planning and whatnot.

#mental health day #time off #work