
Old hobbies and summertime

I've recently started doing film photography again. My boyfriend encouraged me to get back into it by taking an interest in it himself and wanting to learn more about it from me.

I did the only rational thing anyone would do after they'd started getting back into a hobby and blow my tax return on a camera I'd always wanted. It might sound silly, but this seems to have anchored my interest in photography once again. Along with being in a teaching role for my BF, having a new camera (and specifically one that I had idolized growing up but could not obtain as a middle/high schooler) really made me put the pedal to the metal and start up again.

I'd forgotten how much fun it was to get into a groove of taking photos. Being on the lookout for a good shot and seeing what you can catch. Furthermore, the joy and anticipation of getting a roll of film developed at the local camera store, talking to Carl about what he's been up to, and ending the next day viewing your work is all just a wonderful bunch of feelings.

Film is also a lot more slow and deliberate than digital. I have to be conscious of what I'm doing when I take the picture. It's a slower process but with practice, you can get quick at it and capture snap moments just like digital. And, while I do long for the instant gratification of digital, the satisfying mechanical feelings of an almost-70-year-old camera are for the moment, too important to make me go back.

It's also quite fun that this is happening all as summer begins. It's getting me outside and engaged with strangers and the city more. I'm able to just bring the camera along and shoot to my heart's content. Considering how busy summer is shaping up to be, I think there will be a lot to shoot.