
Old hobbies

I always find myself phasing in and out of some of the same hobbies and interests over and over again. I was down at the South Street Art Mart a week ago and found myself gravitating towards their collection of zines. The past few years, every summer, I find I go through a zine phase where I just buy a ton of them. I certainly read through them. I don't just buy them and not bother (like I do with full books). The seasonality of it is there though. It's even happened over time. In grade school I was obsessed with creating journals. My friend and I even made what was effectively a zine and kept it going over like 2 years. The same book though. Not a different one.

I was thinking about this on the way back from Philly and how it's happened with other interests I've had. Not necessarily them being seasonal but interests fading and then coming back. Cars are another big example for me. I use to be obsessed with cars when I was younger. I didn't fully understand how they worked but I had ones that I loved and I knew the horsepower figures of each even though I couldn't tell you what horsepower was. That eventually faded when I started getting online more. I got into Pokémon and my interests started to change from there via the internet. Now, since having to get a car, I've gotten back into them someone despite also being a public transit enthusiast.

I feel like it's even happened a bit with tech too. Often I'll have gotten into something or tried to set something up and I'll get frustrated after some toiling with it. I'll end up coming back to it months or even years later and figure out whatever I was doing wrong almost immediately.

Maybe this means I should try sticking with some things longer? I'm not sure if it means I have a problem following through on my projects or interests but it's just a pattern I noticed.