

Today I spent a good chunk of the day dealing with an aura turned migraine. Haven't gotten one in a little while but it was odd. I sorta felt it coming starting out as a light headache that maybe could be caught with some Tylenol and a light nap to some TV but that only quelled it a little bit. A second Tylenol didn't do the trick so I finally called it quits, turned off all my lights, and took a real 3-hour silent nap.

Before the longer nap though, the effects were noticeable. It was actually beyond how I usually felt with headaches or a migraine. I was more irritable (partly due to sensory sensitivities) and also kept falling into a slightly depressing thought pattern which hasn't happened with previous migraines. This thinking exacerbated the pain and was harder to mute until I finally knocked out.

I feel much better now of course. Letting your brain reset itself with sleep and then waking up migraine-free is a genuinely wonderful feeling. Like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. I've got a family history of them though and have always kind of wondered what causes them for us. I don't think it's ever been looked into. It could be a million different terrifying things so might be better off not bothering but who knows...