

Cars are such a horrendous mode of transportation it's insane. One of the tires on my car has a bubble indicating it's about to blow out and so I essentially can't drive it until I get a whole new tire. It's not even something dramatically mechanical and yet my car is effectively disabled because of it. God-forbid the tires for my model be readily available either. It's an incredibly obscure car known as the Honda Civic... Every time something happens to my car, I am reminded why I hate having to own one so much.

I've ranted about cars to everyone I know for a while now and for various reasons. I'm saddled with one because, while I live in an extremely urban area, my job is deep in the suburbs. Transit takes a monstrously long time to get me to my destination (2+ hours one-way) when my car accomplishes it in 40 mins to an hour. I could rant about all the reasons this is - massive disinvestment in public transit, subsidies for car infrastructure, unnecessary sharing of right-of-way, incentivization of car usage - but I'd be writing until my hands seized from carpal tunnel.

I can't deny that picking out a car - my car - was fun. Combing through all the forums online and watching videos about various models endlessly... The first year of driving and being able to go anywhere I wanted without having to strategize getting there was enjoyable. Then I had to use it for the real reason I bought it - commuting. The novelty was gone almost immediately. Knowing that remote work was possible (as it had been for the past year and a half at that point) made me hate it all the more.

I like my car as an object. But cars as an idea and system? Irredeemably awful.

#cars #systems #transit