
Am I managing?

I just realized today that I'm starting to be put into situations where I have to manage people. There are two separate scenarios currently happening for me. The first is work-related. We're shifting resources from an old platform to a new one and I have to tell/convince another team to shift those resources in the areas they cover. The other is buying a condo. It's something I am very fortunate to be able to do but still requires some people management nonetheless.

It's weird to be in this position since I feel like I'm still an intern quite honestly. The work situation is easier because there is a clear structure of people above me who are asking for the same outcome I'm asking for. If I don't totally get it or communicate what's needed perfectly, the team I'm working with will still have to do what's needed in support of the larger objective.

As far as the condo goes, there is a more obvious need for management and coordination there. I need to continuously follow up with the parties involved to make sure they're putting their pieces together for the outcome I want. They are incentivized to do their work, sure. But getting everything done by the deadline and coordinating between parties - some of whom have not worked together previously - becomes the more difficult part.

At this point, I don't think I've misstepped at all but I also don't feel like I know what I'm doing.

#life #managing #people #work